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einsame Vierbeiner

Nr 96 - Rocky-Pünktchen

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Heiligabend 2014 am Frankfurter Flughafen: Rocky-Pünktchen kommt an und es ist ein ganz besonderer Moment, denn Rocky ist der zweite Hund der 200 Hundeseelen, der ein Zuhause bekommt. Er ist nicht mehr die Nr. 96, er ist nun geliebter Familienhund. Nach drei Jahren Leben im Gehege hat er nun sein Körbchen in Berlin. 30.12.2014 Fotos von Rocky Ankunft ...


Rocky wurde sehnsüchtig von seinem Herrchen und dessen Mutter erwartet.


Wie wir mittlerweile in zwei Telefonaten erfuhren, hat Rocky sich wunderbar eingelebt, bereits eine Hundefreundschaft geschlossen und problemlos mit Herrchen die Gegend erkundet.


Rocky-Pünktchen in Griechenland im Gehege. Die Fotos wurden aufgenommen, nachdem feststand, dass Rocky-Pünktchen adoptiert wird.

Was könnte wohl sein Lieblingsspielzeug sein?

2014 10 14 Rocky 1

2014 10 14 Rocky 2

2014 10 14 Rocky 3

2014 10 14 Rocky 5

2014 10 14 Rocky 6

2014 10 14 Rocky 4

Dies schrieb Poppy über Rocky-Pünktchen:

"Hallo ladies
This morning I went to the shelter to see Rocky and meet Vasilis to talk about him.
Rocky was abandoned in the center of Athens in a park there. The area is called Zapio and the park national garden. The authorities who are responsible for the center of Athens do some good work-comparing to others- with the strays there. Rocky was castrated and microchipped. Their policy is to put the strays back in the area they find them. A lady from the area of the shelter of Rafina adopted Rocky but she couldn't handle him. When she asked the authorities from which she adopted him to take him back she was told to put him back in the streets he was found. That lady knew Vasilis and asked him if he can take him in Rafina's shelter. Vasilis accepted so Rocky went to Rafina's shelter.When the dog went to the shelter was about one year old and wild. Vasilis believes that in the past he was mistreated. He worked with Rocky about 2 months and they have a special bond between them. He is in the shelter about 3 years.
I talked with Vasilis how we can handle Rocky, I explained to him the procedure for the flight and he told me that he can manage it. We went together inside the fenced area, Vasilis put a collar and a leash to him, everything went fine. I caressed him, everything went fine. Vasilis says that Rocky can be handled using balls. He loves playing with balls. His score is 4 balls in his mouth at the same time. I saw something in the base of his tail-photo No 2, Vasilis told me that he has it for a long time there is nothing serious. In his body I could see some hard spots but these are because Rocky like all the animals there sit, lay and sleep on the ground where there are a lot of stones. I believe that when Rocky starts to sleep in  a soft surface all these will vanish. I cannot imagine how beautiful he would become if he lives in a house. Under these circumstances and he is a diamond in the dust! 
The people there are very happy for Rocky's luck, especially Vasilis. I left the shelter pleased thinking that Rocky is an active,playful dog with a ball -or more- in his mouth. But he is still a giant with bad memories. What he needs is love and patience.
Please write to me if the adoption will be done so we'll start preparing Rocky to meet his savior.
Warm regards



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